Saturday, January 2, 2016


Saturday 01-02-16 13:00 Basement Office

The beginning of the journey is always the easiest.  The first step may be really hard but then the next leg of the journey is usually the easiest.  No big distractions to get you out of the groove.  At least that is how it is for me.  I’m good for the first two weeks.  It happens to be a holiday weekend, so time is not an issue on day two.  So far so good on the first two days.  3.7 incline trainer miles yesterday in about an hour.  2.0 snowshoe miles today in about an hour and a half.  It was 20 degrees out but I wore too many layers.  It was too warm for thermal underwear.  No wind today.  Just nice, crunchy snow to float over.  There is a purity that snow brings that makes me want to be a better man.

I guarantee snowshoeing burns more calories than a treadmill.  And you can’t beat the view (my wife was hiking with me).  The view of the mountain was nice too. 
My daughter snowshoed with us too.  She wanted some quiet time so she took a different path home.  I think she loves the mountains as much as I do.  I am very proud of the woman she is becoming.

What is it about solitude that is so intriguing?  Through solitude we find out if we even still like ourselves.  We hear the cumulative sum of all that we have absorbed.  Is that why we dispel the quiet so much in our lives?  Noise from television, music, conversations.  How much actual meditation do we still do?  I’m guilty.  But sometimes the right music and send you thinking in a better direction.  Sometimes music and meditation go hand in hand.  But they require solitude to be complete.

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